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Welcome to the showcase page!

Here, we feature some of the stunning and unique websites created using Silex, the free/libre and open-source website builder.

Explore the creativity and diversity of designs that can be achieved with Silex.

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Fast, efficient, custom websites by freelancers and web agencies

Whether you're crafting a blog, a small business website, or an e-commerce website, Silex offers endless possibilities for creating a personalized and visually striking website.


Adeline vous coiffe

Small business website

A stunning example of what's possible with Silex v3 created by Whynotprod web agency. It is visually appealing but also optimized for performance and accessibility.

Page speed of

Integrations: GitLab, FTP, Google Fonts



Highly visual eco-designed showcase site

Exemple d'un site éco-conçu avec un beau design et un score EcoIndex qui témoigne d'une optimisation poussée : une moyenne des pages de A, et une Déclaration Environnementale de B. Le top du site d'agence.

Integrations: Directus


Act! by Surfrider

Eco-designed, visual and high-performance Inbound Marketing site

Le site B to B de la fameuse association Surfrider, tout éco-conçu et ultra-léger. La part belle est faite aux images, éléments visuels et typographiques. Un exemple d'éco-conception web appliquée à l'inbound marketing, en deux langues. Son score Pagespeed de 87/100 sur mobile sert ses forts enjeux marketing.

Integrations: Directus, Google Fonts



Eco-friendly showcase site with a strong design

Le site de Nectar, un programme d'oléoculture responsable, avec une identité visuelle affirmée, met en avant des photos de qualité. Et pourtant, son score EcoIndex est de B ! Comme quoi on peut faire du beau version responsable en web.

Integrations: Directus, Google Fonts


Eqwal Group

Elegant and sober eco-designed corporate site

Un site corpo tout éco-conçu, parmi les pionniers en écoconception web. Son design élégant reste sophitiqué malgré la sobriété de son impact.

Integrations: Directus



High-performance eco-designed showcase site

Le site de la startup Clay group est 100% écoconçu, avec une navigation fluide et une UX optimisée. Un score Pagespeed de 94/100 sur mobile, qui booste ses performances marketing. Écoconception web rime avec performances.

Integrations: Directus, Google Fonts


Association OETH

High-performance eco-designed showcase site

This month, we feature the Association OETH, a remarkable organization dedicated to promoting the employment of people with disabilities.

Created by Internet 2000, their site exemplifies eco-friendly design and headless technology. It boasts amazing performance and modern design, perfectly aligned with their values, providing an excellent user experience while maintaining a low environmental impact.

Here are the website score on Google Page Speed:

Start Building With Silex

Try Silex for as long as you like thanks to free/libre software. You can publish, host, and enjoy all the features.